Schroeder gender meant here is the determination of gender in German. The word "der" indicates masculine gender, the word "die" indicates feminine gender, while the word "das" indicates gender neutral.
During this time the Germans always use the word "der" to show the masculine gender of God. Most Germans are Catholic. Pope Benedict is currently leading the Catholic church also comes from Germany.
"Gender god do not matter, I guess it's okay to use the word" das "instead of the word" der "when God calls," said Schroeder ¸ told Reuters on Sunday (12/23/2012).
Speech raises ire of conservative groups in Germany. Chancellor Angela Merkel, who led Germany today is derived from the conservative party, the Christian Democratic Party Unity (CDU).
"Speech Schroeder is not appropriate, I do not understand what is desired by him," said a member of parliament from the CDU, Steffan Mueller. Other conservative politicians, Christine Haderthauer, said Schroeder just acting clever with words that.
The Government of Germany itself supports the statement Schroeder. Merkel's spokesman, Steffen Seibert, said the use of any gender will still hear the prayers of God against him.
German politicians are debating Gender of God
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